Sunday, July 26, 2015


Happy Birthday to my second handsome son!!! I'm so proud of you !! You've blessed my life in more ways than you will ever know!! I love you!!

jodi garbanati

Thursday, July 9, 2015


Not only will it be 'Free Slurpee Day' at 7-11 this Saturday, but it will be my co-worker's wedding! I made this paperbag album as a gift for her wedding and I'm hoping that she likes it. I wanted to surprise her, so I picked out just enough variety of green and purple to get creative with, but hopefully to get the colors to match her wedding close enough.

She's been planning her wedding for over a year and I'm so excited that it's finally here!! She loves the Walking Dead and zombies, so I added skulls to the inserts for the pockets in the paper bags. My time was limited on this book but it was still a lot of fun to make.

The little tag in the pocket has skulls on it at the bottom. I should have made more tags for it, but she can also insert pictures or mementos in it too.

Here's another tag that can be pulled out from behind a photo or journaling in the box

The inserts with skulls are really fun

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