Tuesday, February 23, 2016


jodi garbanati

©2016 simple mom photography

I wanted to share this quote again because it has meant a lot to me in the last few years and has been a great source of comfort for me in the last month. I am constantly reminding myself and my kids that Christ is always there for us, and through Him, we can do all of the things that are expected of us. Whether it be school or work related, or even during family life, He can bring us the peace that we need if we will ask Him for help. It might be a thought of encouragement that pops into our head, or it might be the feeling of peace that we need to think clearly or concentrate better on a task or assignment.

While I was struggling in school and trying to keep up with homework, I would repeat this scripture to myself a lot. When my kids were having a hard time with an assignment, I would also tell them, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" and one night, when I had to take a really big exam, I got out my book to study and my son had written this scripture on a sticky note and placed it on the cover. I am so thankful for the faith of my children, and their faith in the Lord, and the examples of strength that they are to me through their trust in a loving Father in Heaven. Most of all, I am thankful for a loving Savior who listens to prayers, and offers strength to us when we turn to Him with faith.

Our Savior loves each one of us, and He will strengthen us, but we need to be willing to turn to Him and ask Him for the help that we need.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016